Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Digs Soon

We're going to be moving soon to another home in the neighborhood, so the good new is that we don't have to change schools or our ward building, and the better news is I'll soon have a dedicated Stamp Room again! Now I'll have a spot to concentrate on the possible projects away from dust and the back corner of the basement laundry room (LOL!)...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

He's Baaa-aaaaaack!

So after a year of moving angst, unemployment, new jobs, new challenges, new blessings, it's time to get back on track!

So get ready stampers, it's time to get re-focused on making crafts that touch the heart! New samples coming soon and of course, it's Sell-a-Bration time! Check out my Stampin' Up! website for info on how to take advantage of this great annual sell!